Small investment, big opportunity in nation building

Jhapa Energy Limited


With intention to contribute to "Happy Nepali, prosperous Nepal Building"  campaign, after a long discussion we Jhapali's residing at kathmandu and other various regions and even from far abroad came up with a joint initiative to work collectively on certain project.

Considering the economic prosperity of the entire nation and the energy crisis facing the country, after a long discussion between the agriculture, tourism and energy sectors, which is the priority of the state, it was decided to produce 1 MW solar power in Jhapa district. To complete the project, a company named Jhapa Energy Limited has been registered on October 2, 2018 and has obtained the license for survey of electricity generation from the Department of electricity Development on December 23, 2018. The company's office is located in Birtamod, Jhapa. Additional schemes related to agriculture and energy tourism will be carried forward to make the project more profitable with energy generation. Plans are also underway to include the experiences of other developed countries, including floral gardens, fisheries, resorts, funparks, beach sports.

Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre

Our Services

A range of rervices we have been providing

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Rent a system (Power on Hire)

You can hire a solar system from us at fixed monthly or weekly charge basis. You don't have to buy the system - we maintain and take care of your system. 

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Commercial Solutions

Our commercial and industrial solutions help factories and offices save BIG on their electricity bills by powering daytime load with solar and selling ....

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Microgrids are off-grid electricity sources that are installed at remote locations where national gridlines are not readily available...

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Solar pumps irrigation

Solar water pumps provide a viable and reliable means of irrigation to rural farmers, who presently rely on unpredictable.....

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Sustainable development and the goals of Government of Nepal

Under the goal of Sustainable Development Goals 2030, adopted by the United Nations and committed to Nepal, the Government of Nepal has set a target to produce 15,000 MW of energy from hydropower and 1000 MW of solar energy by 2030. Similarly, by the end of 2030, it is aiming to reach 99% of total population with energy. The Government of Nepal has also aimed to reach the number of electric public transport vehicles by 60% by the end of the year 2030.

सेयरपूंजी संरचना र भुक्तानी तालिका

सेयर पूंजी लगानी रकम
किस्ता रकम
भुक्तानी तालिका
१. १०,००,००० \- ५००,००० \- ५० प्रतिशत रकम बराबरको पहिलो किस्ता
२. ५००,००० \- २५०,००० \- Nov 15, 2019 सम्ममा र अन्तिम किस्ता
Jan 30, 2020 सम्ममा भुक्तानी गर्नुपर्नेछ

Company Projects

We have been working on following range of projects

रकम जम्मा गर्ने बैंक खाताको विवरण


विर्तामोड साखा

झापा इनर्जी कम्पनी लिमिटेड

खाता नम्बर : ०३७०००००३१८०१


विर्तामोड साखा

झापा इनर्जी कम्पनी लिमिटेड

खाता नम्बर : ००१००२०००९००३६०००००१