Chitwan Kumal Tower

Chitwan Kumal Tower

Chitwan Kumal Tower

Jhapa Energy installed a green tower (Kumal Tower) in the Kumal lake of Chitwan, Nepal. The solar system of 2.56 Kwp has been handed over to the Milijuli Community Group. Thanks to this system, the indigenous settlers there can now open shops during the night meaning higher income and a better quality of life. Introduction of artificial lights will also help the Chitwan National Park trust conserve its wildlife from poachers during the dark.

Credit to our partner, Grid Alternative, as part of their Solar Spring Break project, volunteers from the University of Michigan could join us for the installation process. Gham and Grid employees trained volunteers on the usage and installation of Solar technology among rural communities. As part of its initiative to uplift the rural poor through productive uptake of electricity, Gham Power also organized an entrepreneurship session to the local community. With this, Gham expects these communities to be self-sufficient for basic goods like foods and clothes.