Solar pumps irrigation

Solar pumps irrigation

Solar pumps irrigation

Solar water pumps provide a viable and reliable means of irrigation to rural farmers, who presently rely on unpredictable, seasonal monsoon rain and/or expensive diesel pumps for irrigation. The solar water pumps are integrated with in-house built “Smart Meters”, which trace live data about the water and power usage patterns of farmers. We are on track including additional parameters – PH concentration, soil moisture, etc. – into the Smart Meters. Following these additions, we will be able to assess and process these data through a series of algorithms to enhance the cropping practices of farmers. This is the first mainstream use of data-driven approach to agriculture in Nepal.
Besides the physical product, Gham Power also provides easy pay-as-you-go financing services that will reduce the initial cost borne by farmers. We have made our product available in 20 districts of Terai, the agricultural hub of Nepal.